

3.世界杯主题曲Win'Flay的歌词中文翻译拜托了各位 谢谢

4.谁有世界杯主题曲this time for africa 的歌词


哇咔哇咔 非洲时刻

你是一个好的战士 你为自己选择了战斗 你为自己做好准备

你已经站在前线 每个人都在注视着你 你知道这非同寻常 我们将更加靠近彼此 这并不是结束

你倍感压力 但是相信自己 能够渡过难关

当你失落时,请坚强起来 如果你失落,请坚强起来 这是属于非洲的一刻

倾听神灵的声音 是我们的座右铭 不要再等待了 这是你闪光的时刻

人们在欢呼 他们正在期待着 这是属于你的时刻 不要再犹豫

这是属于你的一天 我能感觉到 你正在铺平道路 请相信这一点

如果你失落请坚强起来 当你失落时 请坚强起来 这是属于非洲的时刻



《Todo Mundo》歌词

Todo mundo 全世界

Vem que vai comear 来吧,我们开始

Um mundo num só lugar 全世界都汇聚于此

Cada canto do meu país 巴西的每一个角落

Tem sede de ser feliz 都渴望欢乐

E o som da batida 打击的声音

Na palma da mo 在我们的手掌心

E a voz da torcida 啦啦队的歌声

a voz da nao 就是民族的歌声

Eu quero gol 我要进球

... ...

Vamos gritar 让我们欢呼

... ...

gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

a copa de todo mundo 这是全世界的奖杯

Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来

Pra batucar, pra batucar 为了继续敲打,为了继续敲打(这里是说打击乐)

Juntos vamos fazer 让我们一起

O sonho acontecer 实现梦想

Seja em qualquer lugar 无论在哪里

A galera vai cantar 大伙歌唱

E o som da batida 打击的声音

Na palma da mo 在我们的手掌心

E a voz da torcida 啦啦队的歌声

a voz da nao 就是民族的歌声

Eu quero gol 我要进球

... ...

Vamos gritar 让我们欢呼

... ...

gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了

.. ...

E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼

.. ...

gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

a copa de todo mundo 这是全世界的奖杯

Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来

Pra batucar, pra batucar 为了继续敲打,为了继续敲打(这里是说打击乐)

Eu sou da torcida, da felicidade 我欢呼雀跃

Fao nesse sonho a realidade 让这个梦想成为现实

Mundo inteiro dando um show 全世界正在上演一场

Show Vamos num só ritmo 让我们沉醉在这个节奏中

Eu quero a raa, eu quero a taa 我要比赛,我要奖杯

Galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼

Eu quero gol 我要进球

... ...

E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼

... ...

a copa de todo mundo 这是世界的奖杯

... ...

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

a copa de todo mundo 这是世界的奖杯

... ...

Eu quero gol, eu quero gol 我要进球,我要进球

... ...

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

a copa de todo o mundo 这是世界的奖杯

Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来

E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼

... ...

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

a copa de todo o mundo 这是全世界的奖杯

(Vamos celebrar, vamos celebrar) (让我们庆祝,让我们庆祝)

Vamos juntar o mundo todo pra batucar让全世界联合起来一起敲打(意思是敲打打击乐)

... ...

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

a copa de todo o mundo 这是世界的奖杯

(Eu quero gol) (我要进球)

Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来

... ... Eu quero gol! 我要进球!



when I get older I will be stronger 当我长大以后,我会变得更强 they'll call me freedom 我会获得自由 just like a wing flag 就像飘扬的旗帜 when I get older I will be stronger 当我长大以后,我会变得更强 they'll call me freedom 我会获得自由 just like a wing flag 就像飘扬的旗帜 and then it goes back and then it goes back and then it goes back 然后它回到过去 ahhho ahhho ahhho born to a throne 生在国王的宝座上 stronger than Rome 比罗马还要强大 but violent prone 但到处都是暴力 poor people zone 和穷人区 but its my home 但它是我的家 all I he known 我所知道的全部 where I got grown 在我成长过的地方 streets we would roam 在我曾经徘徊过的街上 out of the darkness 但是穿过黑暗 I came the farthest 我走得最远 among the hardest survive 在最艰难的生存中 learn form these streets 从这些街道上学到的东西 it can be bleak 可能是令人绝望的 accept no defeet 但是从不投降 surrender retreat 也不接受失败 (so we struggling) 所以我们挣扎着 fighting to eat 为食物而斗争 (and we wondering) 我们也期待着 when we will be free 我们获得自由的时候 so we patiently wait 所以我们耐心等待 for that faithful day 只为命中注定的那一天 its not far away 那一天将不再遥远 but for now we say 所以现在我们说 when I get older I will be stronger 当我长大以后,我会变得更强 they'll call me freedom just like a wing flag 我会获得自由,就像飘扬的旗帜 and then it goes back and then it goes back and then it goes back 然后让一切重新开始 ahhho ahhho ahhho so many wars 太多的战争 settling scores 和需要解决的事情 bring us promises 带给我们承诺 leing us poor 留给我们贫穷 I heard them say 我听到他们说 love is the way 爱是唯一的办法 love is the answer 爱就是答案 thats what they say 这就是他们所说的 but look how they treat us 但是看看他们怎么对待我们 make us believers 让我们相信 we fight there battles 我们为他们而战 then they deceive us 却被他们所骗 try to control us 试图控制我们 they couldn't hold us 但却不能将我们束缚 cause we just move forward like buffalo soldiers 因为我们就像蛮牛战士一样一直向前 (but we strugglin) 所以我们挣扎着 fighting to eat 为一口食物而斗争 (and we wondering) 我们也期待着 when we will be free 我们获得自由的时候 so we patiently wait 所以我们耐心等待 for that faithfully day 只为命中注定的那一天 its not far away 那一天将不再遥远 but for now we say 所以现在我们说 when I get older I will be stronger 当我长大以后,我会变得更强 they'll call me freedom just like a wing flag 我会获得自由,就像飘扬的旗帜 and then it goes back and then it goes back and then it goes back 然后让一切重新开始 and then it goes 然后让一切重新开始 when i get older i will be stronger 当我长大以后,我会变得更强 they'll call me freedom justlike a win flag 我会获得自由,就像飘扬的旗帜 and then it goes back and then it goes back and then it goes back 然后让一切重新开始 ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo ahhhooo and everybody will be singing it 然后所有人都会一起唱 and you and I will be singing it 然后你和我都会一起唱 and we all will be singing it 然后我们都会一起唱 wo wah wo ah wo ah when I get older I will be stronger 当我长大以后,我会变得更强 they'll call me freedom just like a win flag 我会获得自由,就像飘扬的旗帜 and then it goes back and then it goes back and then it goes back 然后让一切重新开始 and then it goes 然后让一切重新开始 when i get older i will be stronger 当我长大以后,我会变得更强 they'll call me freedom just like a win flag 我会获得自由,就像飘扬的旗帜 and then it goes back and then it goes back and then it goes back 然后让一切重新开始 a oh a oh a oh when I get older 当我长大以后 when I get older 当我长大以后 I will be stronger 我会变得更强 just like a wing flag just like a wing flag just like a wing flag 就像飘扬的旗帜 flag flag 旗帜 旗帜 just like a wing flag 就像飘扬的旗帜


Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher 给我自由,给我,给我理由,让我飞得更高 See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud 向着冠军,现在就上场吧,你让我们明确,让我们自豪 In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhibition, 在街道上,普天同庆,当我们失去了束缚 Celebration its around us, every nations, all around us 在我们身边庆祝吧,每个国家,在我们身边 Singing forever young, singin songs underneath that sun 歌唱永远的年轻,在太阳下歌唱 Lets rejoice in the beautiful game. 让我们在这美丽的运动中欢庆吧 And together at the end of the day. 相聚在这天直到结束 WE ALL SAY 我们一起说 When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强 They'll call me freedom Just like a win' flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬 And then it goes back 一切都回归 And then it goes back 一切都回归 And then it goes back 一切都回归

世界杯主题曲Win'Flay的歌词中文翻译拜托了各位 谢谢

歌词大意:当我长大我会变的强壮,与生俱来的自由就像挥舞的旗帜,追溯到强于罗马的帝皇时代!还有暴力倾向的贫民区和我成长的街道,那是我的家。我们会遨游出心里的阴暗,在那里学会了最难生存方式:它可以暗淡 可以接受任何痛苦 也可以投降撤退!所以我们努力奋斗,战斗着,我们却不知道我们将获新生,因此我们耐心的等待那天并不遥远!但是那么多的战争,那么多的夙愿,使我们的承诺,违背了周围的亲人。在这之中听到冥冥之声:我们都赞同,爱就是这样,爱就是答案!当我们得到的确是欺骗,我们的控制力无法阻止,我们的事业向前迈进。都会唱 你我都将唱:当我长大的时候更坚强,就像挥舞的旗帜一样!

谁有世界杯主题曲this time for africa 的歌词

K'naan - Win' Flag (Anthem for World Cup 2010 in South Africa) (Lyrics by 华武飞龙) Give me freedom; give me fire; give me reason; take me higher See the champions take the field now. Unify us; make us feel proud In the streets our heads are lifting , as we lose our inhibition. Celebration, it surrounds us, every nation all around us Staying forever young, singing songs underneath the sun Let's rejoice in the beautiful game. Let's gather at the end of the day. We all say When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a wing flag When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a wing flag So we your flag. Now we your flag...... Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh..... 歌词编辑:华武飞龙 Give you freedom; give you fire; give you reason; take you higher See the champions take the field now. Unify us; make us feel proud In the streets our heads are lifting , as we lose our inhibition. Celebration, it surrounds us, every nation all around us Staying forever young, singing songs underneath the sun Let's rejoice in the beautiful game. Let's gather at the end of the day. We all say When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a wing flag When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a wing flag So we your flag. Now we your flag...... Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh...... We all say When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a wing flag When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a wing flag So we your flag. Now we your flag...... Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh...... And everybody will be singing it. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh... And we all will be singing it. Enjoy the Song & the World Cup in South Africa! 歌词 by 华武飞龙 中文歌词大意: 给我自由,给我,给我激励,让我飞翔 随冠军的心驰骋绿茵场 凝聚一起,让我们感受荣耀辉煌 摆脱心中的束缚,我们昂首走在大街上 欢庆的气氛感染着你我,还有天下万邦 永远保有年轻的心,在阳光下尽情歌唱 让我们陶醉在奔放的赛场 让我们聚集成暮色苍茫的海洋 我们相信 当我渐渐成长,我将更加强壮 人们会称我自由之王,恰如旗帜风中飘扬 就让你我旗帜飘扬 让你我旗帜飘扬,旗帜飘扬…


You're a good soldier 你是一个好士兵 Choosing your battles 在选择你的战场 Pick yourself up 自己站起来 And dust yourself off 掸净灰尘 And back in the saddle 重新上路 You're on the frontline 你正在前线 Everyone's watching 都在看 You know it's serious 你了解情况危急 We're getting closer 我们越来越团结 This isn’t over 现在还没有结束 The pressure is on 压力已经到来 You feel it 你感觉得到 But you've got it all 但是你已经获得这一切 Believe it 相信吧 When you fall get up 当你跌倒爬起来 Oh oh... 哦 哦... And if you fall get up 如果你跌倒爬起来 Oh oh... 哦 哦... Tsamina mina Zangalewa Cuz this is Africa Tsamina mina eh eh Waka Waka eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa Anawa aa This time for Africa 现在是非洲时间 Listen to your god 请听从你的神 This is our motto 这是我们的格言 Your time to shine 你的时间会发光 Dont wait in line 不要在队伍里等待 Y vamos por Todo People are raising 人们在提高 Their Expectations 他们的期望 Go on and feed them 继续走去满足他们 This is your moment 现在是你的时刻 No hesitations 不要犹豫不决 Today's your day 今天是你的节日 I feel it 我感觉得到 You ped the way 是你铺平了道路 Believe it 相信吧 If you get down 如果你趴下 Get up Oh oh... 再起来 哦 哦... When you get down 当你趴下了 Get up eh eh... 再起来 哦 哦... Tsamina mina zangalewa Anawa aa This time for Africa Tsamina mina eh eh Waka Waka eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa Anawa aa Tsamina mina eh eh Waka Waka eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa This time for Africa Tsamina mina eh eh Waka Waka eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa Anawa aa Tsamina mina eh eh Waka Waka eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa This time for Africa Tsamina mina zangalewa Anawa aa Tsamina mina zangalewa Anawa aa This time for Africa This time for Africa