




浙江省杭州市,可以写成 Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.



***省 *** Province或***Prov.

***市 *** City

***县 *** County

***区 *** District

***镇 *** Town

***村 *** Village

***组 *** Group

甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D

***号楼/栋 *** Building或Building No.***或 Block***

***单元Unit ***

***楼/层 ***/F

***号 No.***

***室/房 Room ***或Rm***

***街 *** Street或*** St

***路 *** Road或*** Rd

***巷/弄 Lane ***

***住宅区/小区 *** Residential Quarter

***花园 *** Garden

***院 *** Yard

***信箱 ***Mailbox

***公司 *** Com.或*** Crop.或***Co.,Ltd.

***厂 *** Factory

***酒楼/酒店 *** Hotel

***大学 *** College

***号宿舍 *** Dormitory

注1:若要表示序数词,比如1st、2nd、3rd、4th……可以用No.***代替,或者直接填数字。另外有一些“***里、***区、***园”之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音“*** Li、***Qu、***Yuan”。而***东(南、西、北)路,直接用拼音,或写*** East(South、West、North)Road。如果地方不够可以将5栋3012室写成:5-3012。


注3:国际通用基础设施(如:机场、车站、医院、体育场馆等)用相应的英文词语,如:机场Airport,火车站Railway Station,医院Hospital,体育场Stadium等;立交桥的英文译法全部用Bridge;公路用 Highway,高速公路用Expressway(Expwy);街、大街用Street(St),小街、条、巷、夹道一般情况下用Alley,当路宽达到一定规模时可选用St,胡同的译法形式为Hutong。机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“Branch”(分部、分公司等)表示



"鸟巢"的英文名称是Nest-type Beijing Olympic Stadium或者Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium)

鸟巢英文单词是bird nest

2."水立方"的英文是water cube Beijing National Aquatics Cente或water cube?


Beijing National Stadium

The?Beijing National Stadium?(traditional Chinese:?北京国家体育场;?simplified Chinese:?北京国家体育场;?Hanyu Pinyin:?Běijīng Guojiā Tǐyuchǎng;?Tongyong Pinyin:?Běijīng Guojiā Tǐyuchǎng), also known as the?National Stadium,[1]?or the "Bird's Nest" (鸟巢) for its?architecture, is a?stadium?under construction on the?Olympic Green?in?Beijing,?China?that is scheduled for completion in March, 2008[2]. The stadium will host the main track and field competitions for the?2008 Summer Olympics, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies. It is located right next to the?Beijing National Aquatics Centre.


In 2002, Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design competition.?Pritzker Prize-winning architects?Herzog & de Meuron?collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design & Research Group to win the competition. Contemporary Chinese artist,?Ai Weiwei, is the Artistic Consultant for design.[3]?The ground was broken on?Christmas EveDecember2003, and construction started in?March2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in?August2004?and continued again. In?January 2008, concerns about construction working conditions arose when it was revealed that at least 10 workers had died during the stadium's construction.[4]?Controversy also surrounded the alleged forced evictions of many residents so the construction could go ahead.


The stadium can?seat?as many as 91,000 spectators during the Olympics. The capacity will then be reduced to 80,000 after the Games. It has replaced the original intended venue of the?Guangdong Olympic Stadium[citation needed]. The stadium is 330?metres?long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. The stadium uses 258,000?square metres?of space and has a usable area of 204,000 square metres. It was built with 36 km of unwred steel, with a combined weight of 45,000?tonnes. The stadium has some 11,000 square metres of underground rooms with waterproof walls. The stadium will cost up to 3.5?billionyuan?(≈423 million?USD).

Upon completion, this stadium will boast a state of the art Solar PV system produced by?Suntech Power[

Beijing National Aquatics Centre

The?Beijing National Aquatics Centre, also known as the?Water Cube?(or abbreviated?[H2O]3?[1]), is an aquatics centre that was built alongside?Beijing National Stadium?in the?Olympic Green?for the?2008 Summer Olympics. Ground was broken on December 24, 2003.


In 2002, Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design competition.?Pritzker Prize-winning architects?Herzog & de Meuron?collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design & Research Group to win the competition. Contemporary Chinese artist,?Ai Weiwei, is the Artistic Consultant for design.[3]?The ground was broken on?Christmas EveDecember2003, and construction started in?March2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in?August2004?and continued again. In?January 2008, concerns about construction working conditions arose when it was revealed that at least 10 workers had died during the stadium's construction.[4]?Controversy also surrounded the alleged forced evictions of many residents so the construction could go ahead.


The stadium can?seat?as many as 91,000 spectators during the Olympics. The capacity will then be reduced to 80,000 after the Games. It has replaced the original intended venue of the?Guangdong Olympic Stadium[citation needed]. The stadium is 330?metres?long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. The stadium uses 258,000?square metres?of space and has a usable area of 204,000 square metres. It was built with 36 km of unwred steel, with a combined weight of 45,000?tonnes. The stadium has some 11,000 square metres of underground rooms with waterproof walls. The stadium will cost up to 3.5?billionyuan?(≈423 million?USD).

Upon completion, this stadium will boast a state of the art Solar PV system produced by

Suntech Power[



















Guangzhou gymnasium

Guangdong Olympic sports center of guangdong Olympic sports center

Guangzhou tianhe sports center

Yuexiu mountain stadium

Guangdong stadium

Guangdong people's stadium

YanZiGang stadium

Sand lattice stadium

Huangpu sports center

Guangdong international boating center

Fangcun sports center

University sports venues

New gymnasium. --

Huadu district sports center stadium

Panyu YingDong stadium

Panyu YingDong stadium

Treasure hillock stadium



沈阳奥林匹克体育中心 Shenyang Olympic

上海体育场 Shanghai Stadium

天津奥林匹克中心体育场Tianjin Olympic

香港奥运马术比赛场 Hong Kong Olympic

青岛奥林匹克帆船中心 Qingdao Olympic

公路自行车赛场 Road Cycling Course

老山小轮车赛场 Laoshan Bicycle Moto

铁人三项赛场 Triathlon Venue

朝阳公园沙滩排球场 Chaoyang Park Beach

北京五棵松体育中心棒球场 Beijing

北京奥林匹克公园射箭场 Beijing Olympic

奥林匹克公园曲棍球场 Beijing Olympic

国家会议中心击剑馆 Fencing Hall

北京航空航天大学体育馆 Beijing

丰台体育中心垒球场 Fengtai Sports Center

首都体育馆 Capital Indoor Stadium

北京工人体育馆 Beijing Workers

北京工人体育场 Beijing Workers' Stadium

奥体中心体育馆 Olympic Sports Center

奥体中心体育场 Olympic Sports

北京奥林匹克公园网球场 Beijing Olympic

北京工业大学体育馆 Beijing University

北京科技大学体育馆 Beijing Science

北京大学体育馆 The Peking University

中国农业大学体育馆 The China Agricultu

顺义奥林匹克水上公园 Shunyi Olympic

老山自行车馆 The Laoshan Velodrome

北京射击馆 The Beijing Shooting

北京奥林匹克篮球馆 Beijing Olympic

奥运场馆介绍:国家体育馆 国家游泳中心 National Aquatics Center

国家体育场 The National Stadium

鸟巢 bird's nest

水立方 Water Cube

国家体育场 National Stadium

国家游泳中心 National Aquatics Center(National Swimming Center)

国家体育馆 National Indoor Stadium

北京射击馆 Beijing Shooting Range Hall

北京奥林匹克篮球馆 Beijing Olympic Basketball Gymnasium

老山自行车馆 Laoshan Vwlodrome

顺义水上中心 Shunyi Rowing-Canoeing Park