









       据说,在19世纪末的一天,伦敦遇到少有的闷热。两个英国上流社会贵族青年看过温布尔顿网球赛后,到一家上等饭馆的单间去吃饭。先是用雪茄烟的木盒盖当扇子,继而讨论网球技战术,捡起香槟酒的软木酒瓶塞当球,以大餐桌当球台,中间拉一细绳为网,用烟盒盖当作球拍打球。侍者在一旁喝彩,闻声赶来的女店主见此情景,不禁脱口喊出“Table Tennis”,这一声将乒乓球命名为“桌上网球”。











       Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles). The players or pairs take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.

       Unlike many racket sports, badminton does not use a ball: badminton uses a feathered projectile known as a shuttlecock. Since the shuttlecock is strongly affected by wind, competitive badminton is always played indoors.

       General Description

       The players strike the shuttlecock with their rackets so that it passes over the net and into the opponents' half of the court. The rally ends once the shuttlecock touches the ground: every stroke must be played as a volley. In doubles, either player of a pair may hit the shuttlecock (except on service), but only a single stroke is allowed before the shuttle passes again into the opponents' court (unlike volleyball). Players are awarded a point if the shuttlecock lands on or within the marked boundary of their opponents' court, or if their opponent's stroke fails to pass the net or lands outside the court boundary.

       A rally begins with the service, in which the serving player must strike the shuttlecock so that, if left, it would land in the diagonally opposite service court. In doubles, only one player, the receiver, may return the service (thereafter either player may hit the shuttlecock); the order of doubles service is determined by the Laws, which ensure that all the players shall serve and receive in turn. If the server wins the rally, he will continue serving; if he loses the rally, the serve will pass to his opponent. In either case, the winner will add a point to his score.

       A match consists of three games; to win each game players must score 21 points (exceptions noted below). There are five events: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles (each pair is a man and a woman).



       About Badminton (Olympic sport since 1992)


       Made-for-television radar guns instantly flash the speed of serves, volleys and pitches to the sporting public around the world these days, but few viewers could name the world's fastest racket sport. The title belongs to badminton.


       The flight of the shuttlecock, a missile of cork and goose feather that players volley across the net, has been recorded at speeds of 260 kilometres per hour. Speed, agility and lightning-fast reflexes are essential to the game. Add stamina, too - players have been known to cover more than six kilometres in a single match.


       While contemporary badminton first appeared in the mid-19th century, it evolved from the game battledore and shuttlecock, which can be traced back to ancient Greece, China, Japan and India.

       现代羽毛球运动在19世纪中叶首次出现,它是由一种名为“毽子板球”(battledore and shuttlecock)的运动发展演化而来的。“毽子板球”的起源可以追溯到古希腊、中国、日本和印度。今天,羽毛球运动在亚洲和欧洲尤为流行,它已经在1992年的奥运会中成为正式比赛项目。

       Especially popular in Asia and Europe today, badminton became a full competition sport at the Olympic Games in 1992.




       I think,playing badminton really makes you great-hearted.

       That is ,playing badminton can strengthen my vital capacity and my muscle.Even makes you slim.

       period of time later, maybe you will find yourself healthier than before.

       According to the badminton training,you may find that your bounce become stronger,you can run faster than before.







       Introduction of the Badminton Society




       Cultural Background





       About Activities







       Society divided into NNN parts


       各个部分都是干什么的 。








       性别、年龄、姓名、专业、籍贯、**** ……基本信息写上。



       写自己容易融入集体、乐观开朗、吃苦耐劳 、课余时间多、羽毛球水平高…… 等等。






       无论是进行有规则的羽毛球比赛还是作为一般性的健身活动,都要在场地上不停地进行脚步移动、跳跃、转体、挥拍,合理地运用各种击球技术和步法将球在场上往返对击,从而增大了上肢、下肢和腰部肌肉的力量,加快了锻炼者全身血液循环,增强了心血管系统和呼吸系统的功能。据统计,大强度羽毛球运动者的心率可达到每分钟160-180次,中强度心率可达到每分钟140-150次,低强度运动心率也可达到每分钟100-130次。长期进行羽毛球锻炼,可使心跳强而有力,肺活量加大,耐久力提高。此外,羽毛球运动要求练习者在短时间对瞬息万变的球路作出判断,果断地进行反击,因此,它能提高人体神经系统的灵敏性和协调性。 既是技巧性很强的运动,也是一种普及性很好的运动,老少皆宜。



       History and development The beginnings of Badminton can be traced to mid-18th century British India, where it was created by British military officers stationed there. Early photographs show Englishmen adding a net to the traditional English game of battledore and shuttlecock. Being particularly popular in the British garrison town Poona (now Pune), the game also came to be known as Poona. Initially, balls of wool were preferred by the upper classes in windy or wet conditions, but ultimately the shuttlecock stuck. This game was taken by retired officers back to England where it developed and rules were set out.As early as 1860, Isaac Spratt, a London toy dealer, published a booklet, Badminton Battledore - a new game, but unfortunately no copy has survived.The new sport was definitively launched in 1873 at the Badminton House, Gloucestershire, owned by the Duke of Beaufort. During that time, the game was referred to as "The Game of Badminton," and the game's official name became Badminton.Until 1887, the sport was played in England under the rules that prevailed in British India. The Bath Badminton Club standardized the rules and made the game applicable to English ideas. The basic regulations were drawn up in 1887. In 1893, the Badminton Association of England published the first set of rules according to these regulations, similar to today's rules, and officially launched badminton in a house called "Dunbar" at 6 Waverley Grove, Portsmouth, England on September 13 of that year. They also started the All England Open Badminton Championships, the first badminton competition in the world, in 1899.The International Badminton Federation (IBF) (now known as Badminton World Federation) was established in 1934 with Canada, Denmark, England, France, the Netherlands, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales as its founding members. India joined as an affiliate in 1936. The BWF now governs international badminton and develops the sport globally.While set out in England, competitive badminton in Europe has traditionally been dominated by Denmark. Indonesia, South Korea, China and Malaysia are among the nations that have consistently produced world-class players in the past few decades and dominated competitions on the international level, with China being the most dominant in recent years.希望帮到你啦~
